Thank you for taking action! We hope you will support this work with a gift as well.

Donate Today

Your voice makes all the difference. Help us engage more of our neighbors in this work to protect the climate, the Salish Sea and our Northwest home. Even $5 helps. Thank you.

Donate Today

Here are ways to give.

Make a generous gift today to protect the place you love. Donate Today.

Join our Force of Nature monthly giving program today and sustain your generous support throughout the year. In recognition of your ongoing support, you will receive exclusive event invitations, RE Store discount coupons, and breaking news alerts. Donate Today.

Giving appreciated stock is a win-win for you and RE Sources. You’ll avoid capital gains taxes and at the same time fuel RE Sources work. Please contact Mary Humphries, Development Director at 360-733-8307, extension 221 or to make your stock gift today.

Please call Mary Humphries, Development Director at 360-733-8307, extension 221 or to discuss planned giving options.

You can support our annual Environmental Heroes fundraising gala by making either an event or table sponsorship. Please contact Julia Spencer, Director of Donor Engagement, at or 360-733-8307, extension 221 to discuss your sponsorship gift today.

Become a Green Drinks sponsor. Green Drinks is from 5-7 PM on the first Wednesday of every month at varying locations in Bellingham. Attended by 50-100 conscientious locals, this networking event is a forum for people to gather over a drink and learn about local environmental issues they can take action on. Learn more about gaining exposure for your business while giving back to your community. Please contact us for more information.

Sponsor Rockin’ for The RE Store and support efforts to bring vocational job training to underserved workers in our community. Please contact Kurt Gisclair, Director of The RE Store, at to discuss your sponsorship interest today.

Make your gift go farther. If your company has a matching gift program, your donation dollars can be multiplied. Find out if your employer will match your contribution to RE Sources. Contact Julia Spencer, Director of Donor Engagement, with any questions at 360-733-8307, extension 221 or

See how giving is making our region cleaner, healthier and safer. View our 2021 impact report. 

If you have any questions about gift-giving please contact Mary Humphries, Development Director at or by phone at 360-733-8307, extension 221.

Tax Information

RE Sources is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our Tax ID is 91-1243957. All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.