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Teacher Professional Development: Tracking Energy — Seed to Table to Compost (Part 2 of 3)

Calling all 3rd through 8th grade educators in Whatcom County: Tracking Energy is a three-part professional development series designed to help educators understand food systems; growing, producing, processing and disposing of food. Learn to help students draw connections to climate change and food justice issues. Register by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 29th! Register for […]


Teacher Professional Development: Tracking Energy — Seed to Table to Compost (Part 3 of 3)

Calling all 3rd through 8th grade educators in Whatcom County: Tracking Energy is a three-part professional development series designed to help educators understand food systems; growing, producing, processing and disposing of food. Learn to help students draw connections to climate change and food justice issues. Register by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 29th! Register for […]


ClimeTime: Teaching for the Climate 201

In-Person and Online

Registration closes March 5th, 2022  at 5pm Receive a $200 stipend upon completion of all three parts of Teaching for the Climate course! While the 101 course built foundational skills in teaching outside, 201 will dive deeper to gain the resources to incorporate local climate-related science and Indigenous perspective into outdoor teaching with students. This […]


[RESCHEDULED – TBD] Teacher training — Tracking Energy: Seed to Table to Compost

This training has been cancelled for now — please check back in Fall 2022! Register by April 12th When: April 18th, 19th and 20th from 4:30-6:30 pmWho: Whatcom County educators for grades 3 through 8Where: RE Sources main office, 2309 Meridian St, Bellingham WA 98225STEM Clock hours: 6Instructors: Education Specialist Sasha Savoian Note: This training will be IN PERSON. We are requiring […]

Climate science for 3rd-8th grade educators: Teaching Outdoors 101

ClimeTime: Teaching Outdoors 101 (Using the outdoors and teaching climate change). 4 STEM, 1 Equity clock hours, $100 stipend upon completion! Self-paced course on Canvas open from November 30th, 2021 until April 30th, 2022. Calling all 3rd-8th grade educators in Whatcom: Gain skills to incorporate the outdoors and climate-related lessons with students. Join the Teaching […]


(Teacher training) Rain Garden in a Box: Protecting waterways through reuse

RE Sources 2309 Meridian St, Bellingham, WA, United States

Rain Garden in a Box: Protecting waterways through reuse When: Monday, May 23rd, 4:30-6:30 pmWho: Whatcom County educators for grades 3 through 12Where: Outside the RE Sources main office, 2309 Meridian St, Bellingham WA 98225Clock hours: 2Instructors: Priscilla Brotherton This workshop will provide educators with a tangible, hands-on solution for protecting our waterways using repurposed […]

ClimeTime – Hope and Resilience: Salish Sea Workshop

Bring climate hope and resilience into the classroom! 3 STEM clock hours, 1 Equity hour, $100 stipend and various teaching materials Calling all Whatcom County educators for grades 3 – 12 who want to connect real-world solutions to climate change: These field-based workshops focus on equitable solutions currently being implemented in Whatcom County. The Teaching for the […]

Water & Watersheds: Water 101 (K-2nd grade teachers)

RE Sources 2309 Meridian St, Bellingham, WA, United States

2 STEM clock hours for attending, 1 for implementation. In this water 101 workshop, educators will learn activities that help students understand the complications of water — as a liquid, as a vapor, salt or fresh, and how precious it is. The course’s activities will support multiple NGSS, ELA and SEL standards. Teachers will be […]

Tracking Energy of Food Systems, Day 1 (4th-8th grade teachers)

3 STEM clock hours for attending. This two part professional development series is designed to help educators understand food systems; growing, producing, processing, and disposing of food. Educators will help students draw connections to climate change and food justice issues. This series will focus on the question: What are we really throwing away when we […]

Tracking Energy of Food Systems, Day 2 (4th-8th grade teachers)

3 STEM clock hours for attending. This two part professional development series is designed to help educators understand food systems; growing, producing, processing, and disposing of food. Educators will help students draw connections to climate change and food justice issues. This series will focus on the question: What are we really throwing away when we […]

ClimeTime for Teachers: Hope and Resilience (Session 1)

Who: Whatcom County Teachers grades 3-12 When: October 26th, 2024, 9:00am – 1:00pm Where: Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association, 3057 E Bakerview Rd, Bellingham, WA 98226 Teachers receive: 3 STEM clock hours, 1 Equity hour, a $100 stipend, and a delicious lunch! Last Day to Register: October 16th, 2024 Register here This field-based workshop will focus […]

ClimeTime for Teachers: Hope and Resilience (Session 2)

Who: Whatcom County Teachers grades 3-12 When: February 8th, 2025, 9:00am – 1:00pm Where: Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association, 3057 E Bakerview Rd, Bellingham, WA 98226 Teachers receive: 3 STEM clock hours, 1 Equity hour, a $100 stipend, and a delicious lunch! Last Day to Register: January 29th, 2025 Register here This field-based workshop will focus […]