A Toast to the Trees

A garden party and fundraiser to benefit RE Sources
Wednesday, September 7th from 5:30pm – 7:30pm


You’re Invited!

Join us for a casual garden party on Wednesday, September 7th from 5:30pm – 7:30pm at the lovely Happy Valley home of Holly Harris and Jeff Boyd.

In an era of rapid growth and a changing climate, our region’s iconic forests are more important — and more imperiled — than ever. Join friends for a casual garden party and learn about how we can protect and restore the critical forests of the Lake Whatcom watershed. Please consider making a gift that’s meaningful to you and help us raise $10,000 or more at the party to sustain our critical work. Gifts will be matched for double the impact! Beverages and appetizers provided.


*After you RSVP, make sure to add this event to your calendar

Can’t make it? You can still make an impact by giving a gift that will be doubled by matching funds! Thank you for helping us protect and restore this beautiful place we call home.


Please contact Julia Spencer with any questions:
JuliaS@re-sources.org or (360) 510-9329