Volunteer spotlight: Sydney Poulin, Community Scientist

"The best thing you can bring to the beach is the desire to leave it better than you found it." | June 25, 2021

Become A Community Scientist

Meet one of our North Sound Stewards community science volunteers of the quarter, Sydney Poulin!

Tell us about yourself! What are a few things you like toSydney, a volunteer, stands smiling in front of a lake and trees with a partly cloudy blue sky. do?

I enjoy skiing up at Mount Baker and hiking throughout the Pacific Northwest.

What inspired you to join North Sound Stewards?

I love to learn, and I saw this as a great way to educate myself while also doing my part to help our community. It’s been impactful to meet great people through this program who all come together to make a difference locally!

Which of the North Sound Stewards Community Science programs are you a part of and what are some ways you participate?

So far, I’ve been participating in water quality sampling weekly as well as the beach steward program. I’m hoping to get involved in more soon!

Tell us something you’ve learned through the program that really sticks with you.

The best thing you can bring to the beach is the desire to leave it better than you found it.

If you had one thing to tell others about community science, what would it be?

The more we learn ourselves, the more we increase our capability to teach others.

How do you hope people will stay connected with protecting our waters during this time?

The outdoors provides a place where we can socially distance, yet still come together. I hope, despite COVID, we can all find time to help the Puget Sound alongside one another. Grab a vaccinated buddy, head to the beach, and do your part!

Become a North Sound Steward