Two chances to advocate for environmental policy to WA lawmakers

December 17, 2019

You can team up with activists to speak up for the environment and gain the skills to be a persuasive constituent. No matter your level of experience, you’ll have the opportunity to attend issue briefings, learn how to lobby, hear from environmental champions, attend breakout sessions, and meet face-to-face with your elected officials to advance our legislative priorities. Learn about the environmental and human health policies we’re pushing for this year and how you can help.

Clean and Abundant Waters for Washington: Lobby Day

Wednesday, January 15th
11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Meet at United Churches of Olympia
110 11th Ave. SE, Olympia (map)

From iconic Southern Resident orcas and salmon, to local communities and Coast Salish tribes who call the Pacific Northwest home, clean and abundant waters are the key to ensuring healthy ecosystems and good quality of life. But according to the recent the 2019 State of the Sound report, we are nowhere close to cleaning up our waters, and we must pick up the pace. Join us to support six key pieces of legislation that will clean up Washington’s waters — from phasing out copper in boat paint to drought preparedness in the face of accelerating climate change.

Details + RSVP

Environmental Lobby Day 2020

Thursday, January 30th
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Temple Beth Hatfiloh, 201 8th Ave SE Olympia (map)
$5-10 to help cover food and venue
More details

RE Sources and our partners in the Environmental Priorities Coalition (EPC) would like to invite you to Olympia on January 30th for Environmental Lobby Day 2020!

Puget Sound recovery is happening nowhere near the rate it needs to, and the climate crisis threatens human health and livelihoods. We need to keep up the momentum and demand that our legislators pass policies to clean up our transportation pollution, invest in natural climate solutions, fund our natural resource agencies, and protect the places we care about.